Monthly Archives: January 2014

01.13.2014 on Teaching Online

Good article on teaching online at: Particularly like: “But if a great teacher is to the classroom what Fred Astaire was to dancing, then an online teacher must be even better because teaching online is far more challenging than … Continue reading

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01.13.2014. Using Colour

Good blog posting on “How Colors Can Enhance Memory Performance” at: Great points to keep in mind as I begin to develop a new online course. This is from a new blog called Ednyco that I discovered this weekend. … Continue reading

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01.12.2014 Instructional Designers

10 Super Powers of Instructional Designers:

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01.11.2014 on Recording

A  popular discussion topic on many eLearning forums is “What microphone should I buy?”.  Over at eLearning Brothers they have started a series on “How to record voice overs for eLearning“. There are a lot of different opinions about recording … Continue reading

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