Category Archives: Online Teaching

2013.09.28 .. on moocs. a swot analysis.

Interesting article in new “Moocs Forum” journal: The article outlines a SWOT analysis undertaken by faculty members in the Instructional Sytems Design program at Florida State U. What is interesting to me is that the context, the questions being asked and the conclusions … Continue reading

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09.20.2013 – ECAR Study – Students and IT (2013)

Here is a link to the ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology Use, 2013 (from Educause).  Many of the colleges that have active representation on the ETC committee (not us, unfortunately)-: are involved in this study. Valuable info. Thanks, … Continue reading

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09.14.2013. on moocs

Interesting reading from Journal of Online Learning and Teaching via Merlot about the process Duke University followed in setting up moocs with Coursera: The hours required per course are something I’m not sure everyone understands. Is 210 hours (8 weeks … Continue reading

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09.06.2013. on online learning

Another great post from Tony Bates via Stephen Downes is available at: He says: “merely moving classroom methods of lectures and multiple-choice questions online will not achieve the desired learning outcomes, even if economies of scale can be achieved … Continue reading

Posted in elearning development for teachers, elearning Tools, evidence based, Online Teaching | Leave a comment

09.03.13. Review of Online Learning Developments

Here’s a very clear and concise summary by Tony Bates on “what’s been happening in online learning” this summer: As always, good questions and comments to ponder.

Posted in elearning development for teachers, instructional design, Online Teaching | Leave a comment

09.03.13. Online Learning needs to be faculty driven

So true and yet so often not understood. Via Dr. Frank.

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05.08.13. design models

UBC has 25 instructional designers. GBC was hiring 9 id’s last spring. SLC = O. That’s not what the following article is really all about, it’s just something that makes me sad. Tony Bates has again written a great article that … Continue reading

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05.08.13. Instructional Design and Online Course Development

A good overview of the importance of instructional design and clear id strategy in the development of online courses:

Posted in elearning development for teachers, evidence based, instructional design, Online Teaching | Leave a comment

04.08.13. Queen’s Online Learning Report

Great comments from Tony Bates on Queen’s U Online Learning Report: Favourite comments: “Reading this report was like peering over the wall of a monastery watching the monks diligently tending their vegetables with trowels and hoes, then along comes … Continue reading

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04.05.13. Writing and Moocs References “Will MOOCs Work for Writing?” by Chris Friend who writes “We cannot teach all students every intricacy of writing — for their future courses, their careers, and their civic engagement — using a MOOC format, but we can use … Continue reading

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