Tag Archives: elearning

09.14.2013. on moocs

Interesting reading from Journal of Online Learning and Teaching via Merlot about the process Duke University followed in setting up moocs with Coursera: http://jolt.merlot.org/vol9no2/lombardi_0613.htm The hours required per course are something I’m not sure everyone understands. Is 210 hours (8 weeks … Continue reading

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09.15.2013. Designing Online Learning

Good basic points about designing online learning by  Richard Culatta for TedEd. Key points for me include: “Instructional design is essential to effective online learning.” Too often online courses are simply a dump of content to the learner. How True!! … Continue reading

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04.09.13. YouTube channels for eLearning Development


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03.18.13. about mooc’s

Interesting article entitled “The Professors Behind the MOOC” from The Chronicle: http://chronicle.com/article/The-Professors-Behind-the-MOOC/137905/#id=overview It’s about MOOCs, but really talking about the design, development and delivery of any online course. Identifies that instructional design is an important part of the success of a … Continue reading

Posted in elearning development for teachers, instructional design, moocs, Online Teaching, screencasting, Teaching | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

03.03.13. Principles of Good Teaching and Online Design

Tony Bate’s post on his  “no-5-aha-moment-the-web-as-a-universal-standard” strikes a chord with me because it is so reflective of my history with online course design and development. I still have the books Tony mentions in the post and have been immersed in online teaching and learning … Continue reading

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01.31.13. eLearning development tools for ipads


Posted in Articulate, camtasia, Captivate, elearning Tools, Storyline | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

01.30.13. Tips – “Recording Audio”


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01.29.13. Animoto – Course Intro

Good overview of Animoto and good example of how it can be used effectively in a course: http://edcetera.rafter.com/the-online-teaching-welcome-mat-energizing-learners-with-animoto/    

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01.28.13. Screencasting and the Flipped Classroom


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01.28.13. Screencasting apps for the ipad


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