03.03.13. Principles of Good Teaching and Online Design

  • Tony Bate’s post on his  “no-5-aha-moment-the-web-as-a-universal-standard” strikes a chord with me because it is so reflective of my history with online course design and development. I still have the books Tony mentions in the post and have been immersed in online teaching and learning for over 15 years. Tony’s conclusion that despite changes in technology, “we need to be guided by clear principles that underly good teaching, such as clarity of objectives, good course structure, relevant student activities that lead to skills development, interaction and feedback between a skilled instructor and students, and social and collaborative learning” is so right on and is often lost in the sparkle of the new technology.  These are principles that I implemented and taught in the Online Teacher Program at the college (1999 – 2005) and they are still relevant today.


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